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[2023-21] Learning coordination through new actions
[2023-20] Arbitrarily large heteroclinic networks in fixed low-dimensional state space
[2023-19] On the pseudovariety of groups $\mathbf{U} = \displaystyle\bigvee_{p \in \mathbb{P}} {\bf Ab}(p) \ast {\bf Ab}(p-1)$
[2023-18] On the closure of cyclic subgroups of a free group in pro-${\bf V}$ topologies
[2023-17] The pro-k-solvable topology on a free group
[2023-16] The pro-supersolvable topology on a free group: deciding denseness
[2023-15] Generalizations (in the spirit of Koshliakov) of some formulas from Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook

Pedro Ribeiro

[2023-14] Rate of escape of the conditioned two-dimensional simple random walk

Orphée Collin

[2023-13] On the completely irregular set of maps with the shadowing property

Vinícius Coelho

Luciana Salgado

[2023-12] A Convex Analysis approach to the metric mean dimension: limits of scaled pressures and variational principles
[2023-11] Barrett's paradox of cooperation in the case of quasi-linear utilities

Elvio Accinelli

Atefeh Afsar

José Martins

Bruno Oliveira

Jorge Oviedo

Alberto Pinto

Luis Quintas

[2023-10] Narasimhan-Ramanan branes and wobbly Higgs bundles

Emilio Franco

Ana Peon-Nieto

[2023-9] High frequency forcing of an attracting heteroclinic cycle
[2023-8] Tracking Point Vortices and Circulations via Advected Passive Particles: an Estimation Approach
[2023-7] The existence of a unique even transitive string C-group of degree 11 for ranks 4 and 5

ME Fernandes

O Reade

[2023-6] Dynamical properties of chimera states for globally coupled map lattices

Pierre Guiraud

[2023-5] Singularities of holomorphic foliations in dimensions at least 3: recent results and problems

Julio Rebelo

[2023-4] Certain Extensions of Results of Siegel, Wilton and Hardy

Pedro Ribeiro

[2023-3] A Deleting Derivations Algorithm for Quantum Nilpotent Algebras at Roots of Unity

Stéphane Launois

Alexandra Rogers

[2023-2] Noncommutative integration, quantum mechanics, Tannaka's theorem for compact groupoids and examples

Artur Lopes

Marcos Sebastiani

[2023-1] Hypersimple Rings and Modules

Mohamed Yousif

Yiqiang Zhou

[2022-41] Non-connected Lie groups, twisted equivariant bundles and coverings

Guillermo Barajas

Oscar Garcia-Prada

Ignasi Mundet

[2022-40] Finite switching near heteroclinic networks
[2022-39] Dynamics of finite inhomogeneous particle systems with exclusion interaction

Vadim Malyshev

Mikhail Menshikov

Andrew Wade

[2022-38] Two-dimensional random interlacements: 0-1 law and the vacant set at criticality

Orphée Collin

[2022-37] Uniqueness and statistical properties of the Gibbs state on general one-dimensional lattices with markovian structure
[2022-36] Brauer and Gersgorin locations of zeros of perturbed Chebyshev polynomials of second kind by dilation
[2022-35] Cluster distributions for dynamically defined point processes
[2022-34] Eventually fixed points of endomorphisms of virtually free groups
[2022-33] On generalized conjugacy and some related problems
[2022-32] Algebraic and context-free subsets of subgroups
[2022-31] Dual Kasch Rings

Engin Büyükasik

Haydar Yurtsever

[2022-30] Geodesic completeness of pseudo and holomorphic Riemannian metrics on Lie groups

Ahmed Elshafei

Ana Ferreira

[2022-29] Finitely presented inverse semigroups with finitely many idempotents in each D-class and non-Hausdorff universal groupoids

Benjamin Steinberg

[2022-28] Integrability of vector fields and meromorphic solutions

Julio Rebelo

[2022-27] Leibniz algebras and graphs

Elisabete Barreiro

Antonio Calderón

José Sanchez

[2022-26] The Self-Similarity of Free Semigroups and Groups

Emanuele Rodaro

[2022-8] Strange attractors in a dynamical system inspired by a seasonally forced SIR model
[2022-7] Persistent Strange attractors in 3D Polymatrix Replicators

Telmo Peixe

[2022-6] On the rational subsets of the monogenic free inverse monoid
[2022-5] Multiscale Partial Information Decomposition of Dynamic Processes with Short and Long-range correlations: Theory and Application to Cardiovascular Control

Riccardo Pernice

Maria Eduarda Silva

Michal Javorka

Luca Faes

[2022-4] Stable laws for random dynamical systems

Matthew Nicol

Andrew Török

[2022-3] Eventually fixed points of endomorphisms of virtually free groups
[2022-1] Rank-one attractors versus Heteroclinic tangles
[2021-27] The quiver of an affine monoid

B. Steinberg

[2021-26] Identities of the Jones Monoid J5
[2021-26] The quiver of an affine monoid

B. Steinberg

[2021-25] Location of Housing and Industry Around a Central Shopping District

João Correia-da-Silva

[2021-24] The Deformation L∞ Algebra of a Dirac–Jacobi Structure
[2021-23] Weak Dual Pairs in Dirac–Jacobi Geometry