CMUP is a Mathematical research center based at the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Portugal. Since its foundation, the main objectives of CMUP are to carry out and support mathematical research, as well as to promote the dissemination of Mathematics as a fundamental discipline for the development of society at all levels.
For more detailed information about CMUP's research activities, please have a look at this page with a few short videos about our research. The videos are spoken in Portuguese and subtitled in English.
CMUP has around 65 integrated researchers, including tenured professors from several faculties of the University of Porto and the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, and contract researchers at junior and senior levels. This organization means that CMUP has achieved a critical mass and variety in its composition, which allows for carrying out world-class research in a number of areas, and also for benefiting from synergies arising from interactions between its researchers.
CMUP has 4 main research groups (Algebra, Analysis, Geometry and Probability & Statistics) and 4 main research strands (Computational Mathematics, Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Models and Applications and Semigroups Automata and Language).
CMUP promotes/supports:
- regular seminars in all research areas; visits by outside researchers to work on joint research projects with CMUP members and to stimulate scientific development at the CMUP;
- work visits by members to other research institutions and also their participation in relevant scientific meetings;
- the hosting of international conferences/workshops;
- a stimulating scientific environment for Ph.D. Students from both Ph.D. programs in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics and Post-Doc researchers including the ones from FCT program “Ciência”;
- outreach activities such as connections with schools (basic and secondary education) and a summer school of Mathematics.
CMUP has active collaborations with institutions worldwide and our members regularly obtain external funding for a significant number of research projects. CMUP has recently integrated the Intelligent Systems Associate Laboratory (LASI), a consortium of research units with expertise in artificial intelligence and data science. Moreover, CMUP has taken steps in the corporate and business world by providing consulting services through the Gabinete de Estatística Modelação e Aplicações Computacionais (GEMAC), which is an office created within CMUP's resources. CMUP has also organized events such as the Workshop on Mathematics and Industry - "European Study Groups with Industry" in order to make an effort to build a connection with corporations and companies.
União Europeia Fundos Estruturais
Governo da República Portuguesa
Programa Operacional "Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação"
Programa Operacional Sociedade da Informação
CMUP and its members are ssociated with several partner organizations:
European Women in Mathematics is an international association of women working in the field of mathematics in Europe. Founded in 1986, EWM has several hundred members and coordinators in 33 European countries.
The aims of the International Center of Mathematics (CIKM) are to promote activities which encourage the development of Mathematical Sciences in general and to foster international cooperation.
The Intelligent Systems Associate Laboratory (LASI), headquartered at the Centro Algoritmi, University of Minho in Guimarães, is a reference laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in Portugal. It intends to create sustainable and inclusive innovation for our society, improving applications/materials/products and using advanced intelligent systems technologies, providing high levels of precision, performance and adaptation over time.
The Portuguese Mathematical Society (SPM) is an association dedicated to the dissemination and development of mathematical education and research in Portugal. Its activities include publishing books and magazines, organising events and congresses, lectures and scientific meetings and training activities, among others. It also organises the Portuguese Mathematical Olympiad.
The Association of Mathematics Teachers (APM) is a Portuguese association of teachers linked to the education of mathematics, covering the whole of Portugal and all levels of education, from pre-school to higher education.
Comissão Nacional de Matemática
The Comissão Nacional de Matemática (National Mathematics Commission) was created by order of the Minister of Science and Technology on 27 March 2002, with the main aim of establishing a link between the national community of mathematicians and the International Mathematical Union (IMU). To fulfil this objective, the CNM is made up of a representative from each of the mathematics research centres accredited by the FCT, and a representative of the Portuguese Mathematical Society (SPM) and another from the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE).
The Portuguese Network for Industry and Innovation (PT-MATHS-IN) has been the Portuguese branch of the European Service Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation - EU-MATHS-IN - since December 2015.