In this talk, extensions of solvable Lie algebras are considered. The method of central…
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It is well-known that the monogenic free inverse semigroup $FI_1$ is not finitely…
Twisted conjugacy is a generalisation of the well-known notion of conjugacy in groups: given two…
In the 1960's. W. Leavitt studied universal algebras which do not satisfy the \emph{Invariant…
In the representation theory of finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras $\mathfrak{g}$, two…
I will give an intro to topological semigroups and the important…
In the context of the theory of Gelfand-Tsetlin modules, Drinfeld categories were introduced in…
Geometric quantization on symplectic manifolds plays an important role in representation theory…
The rational numbers…
In this talk I will talk about some new results for the escape and
hitting statistics for…
The Submonoid Membership problem in a group G asks, given a finitely generated submonoid M of G…
The game of Rock-Paper-Scissors is an instructive example of cyclic competition between…
In this seminar we will talk about results concerning faithful representations of abelian groups…
In this talk I will explain a general mechanism, based on derived symplectic geometry, to glue…
Let $G$ be a group and consider the group $\chi(G)$ obtained from the free product $G \ast G$ by…
In physics, CS/WZNW duality is an equivalence between Chern–Simons gauge theory and WZNW…
Abstract: In this panoramic talk, we shall provide an…
After a brief introduction to non-Euclidean 2D geometry using fleece surfaces (tecido…
The non-abelian tensor product $G \otimes H$ of groups G and H was
introduced by Brown and…
Given a flow on a manifold, how to perturb it in order to create a periodic orbit passing…